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Referring to tank fire safety, lightning strikes can present a critical hazard. However, with the proper precautions in place, this risk can be effectively controlled. At TECNOGROUP, we understand the importance of protecting both personnel and equipment from lightning-related hazards. That’s why we signed an agreement to be the exclusive authorized distributor for LYTECH in order to support the Egyptian market with state-of-the-art grounding and bonding solutions that ensure tanks are properly grounded in order to prevent electrical discharges. In addition, to have a team of experts who is well-versed in lightning protection system design and installation that represents an essential component for safeguarding against potential damage caused by direct or indirect strikes. By investing in reliable tank fire safety measures, you are positioning your facility for long-term success and peace of mind knowing that your property is secure from any harm posed by this powerful natural phenomenon.

Tecnogroup is pleased to be an exclusive distributor in Egypt for LYTECH Technologies Ltd


our services

1-Retractable Bay pass Conductor (RCB)

Retractable Bypass Conductor (RBC) provides an exceptionally low resistance and low impedance connection between the Floating Roof and Tank Shell Wall, LYTECH’s RBC prevents rim fires by dissipating lightning energy before it can arc and cause ignition.

2-Direct Strick Lighting protection

Technologies provides a total solution from lightning protection and earthing systems to lightning and surge protection for electrical and electronic equipment.
  • Air Terminal Rod:
  • Conductor network:
  • Downconductors:
Made From 99.98% Solid Copper or Aluminum.
Made From Copper or Aluminum. Clamps Are Available for Flat Tape System and Circular Cable System.
Made From Copper or Aluminum. Clamps Are Available for Flat Tape System and Circular Cable System.

Earthing &Grounding

  • Earthing Enhancement Material :
LYTECH EEM comprises specially selected compounds, which possess excellent electrical conductivity. When EEM is mixed with water and poured around the earthing system and surrounding soil the powder and water react to form a hardened mass within an earthing system. EEM will not wash away under seasonal conditions and therefore provides a permanent presence in working to improve and maintain the integrity of an earthing system. Given that does not wash away the requirement to re-treat the soil as is the case with other enhancing compounds is eliminated.
  • Earth Electrodes Bondings & Clamps :
The external lightning protection system is designed to protect a structure and the lives of people working within it, by directing the lightning energy in a safe manner to the earthing network. Using the Faraday Cage principle, the LYTECH range of quality lightning protection and earthing products ensures that safety and performance is not compromised.
  • The LYTECH E.S.E. Air Terminal:
  • Lighting event counter:
Uses the occurring electrical field to release a timely upward leader. This process is a safe and efficient method of capturing dangerous lightning energy at a preferred point. As a thunderstorm gathers above the ambient electrical field surroundings, the terminal begins to rise in voltage. As the down leader approaches towards the protected area, there is a rapid increase in the electric field which initiates the triggering of an upward streamer from the terminal. The use of an E.S.E. Air Terminal protects a larger or enhanced area compared to a conventional rod. With the release of the upward streamer from the finial tip earlier than other competing structural points, the terminal becomes a preferred point for the capture of the lightning discharge within the protected area.
Lightning strikes counts are monitored by LYTECH LEC, which can give some information about the intensity of the lightning occurrence in the area.

Enhanced lighting protection system

Early streamer emission lighting protection (ESE):
Lightning Air Terminal meets the requirements under NFC 17-102 standards and is tested by International Accredited laboratory. The terminal is made from stainless steel which provides protection against corrosion, and it does not require any power supply for its operation and is non-radioactive.

Exothermic welding

Common uses:
Earthing for all types of power plants and sub-stations Telecommunications facilities cathodic protection system Railway connections Transmission and power distribution lines Industrial and manufacturing industry.

⦁ High conductivity.
⦁ High resistance to corrosion.
⦁ Robust and do not loosen over time as it is homogenous and permanent joint.
⦁ Ability to withstand repeated fault current

Most LYTECH exothermic welding connection is at least twice the cross-sectional area of the conductors being joined and has an equivalent or higher current carrying capacity. With more than 90% copper content in the alloy, it offers excellent corrosion resistance.

Stainless Cable Ties &Cable Lugs

Early streamer emission lighting protection (ESE):
Lightning Air Terminal meets the requirements under NFC 17-102 standards and is tested by International Accredited laboratory. The terminal is made from stainless steel which provides protection against corrosion, and it does not require any power supply for its operation and is non-radioactive.

  • Cable ties:
  • Cable Lugs:
Lytech Stainless Steel cable ties provide solution to all your clamping needs. Lytech cable ties have high resistance to heat and also stand the test of salts and acids. Lytech has achieved approvals and certications from global certifying agencies like UL & DNV for indoor, outdoor, oshore and marine applications. Lytech cable ties provide ultimate solution to install your cable in extreme conditions and harzardous areas.
LYTECH cable lug are designed to terminate copper conductors in a wide variety of electrical connections for use in many areas such as the Power and Utility, Telecommunications, Automation Industrial, Oil and Gas and Marine sectors. LYTECH cable lug allow simple cable preparations for a permanent cable termination. It is also available with an inspection hole to ensure that the conductor has been properly inserted into the barrel. Engineered to provide fast and easy termination solutions for the most demanding applications LYTECH cable lug deliver the highest reliability and lowest installed cost.